

Aility enables hoteliers to make sophisticated data-driven decisions based on people flow analytics through artificial intelligence.




To improve profit margins, hotels must drastically rethink how hotels operate with the help of technology. In wake of the recent, gradual adaptation of technologies in hotels, current solutions tend to automatize traditional procedures. However, we leverage on data to redefine processes and structures and gain insights that were not previously available, creating a new service that has never been offered to the stakeholders involved in the hospitality industry.

We designed our product by focusing on the key challenges the industry currently faces which were corroborated by industry experts:

  • Increasing fixed & variable costs (e.g. utility and labor cost).
  • Inefficient staffing & redundant operations.
  • Volatile guest experiences through unwanted interactions and lacking guest safety. 
  • Limited data collection points in particular in the back of house operations.


Aility brings artificial intelligence to the hospitality industry through edge devices/sensors. By reinventing the core of hospitality, we simplify back-of-house operations and remove redundant procedures. To do this, we deploy a hardware and software solution to perform sophisticated people counting.


Core technology

Through our proprietary sensor as well as our in-house trained people detection model, we enable highly accurate people detection and people counting. Furthermore, we have built a pure software solution that is cost-effective but less accurate.